The Power of Building Right: Why Quality Matters

Brian Rey
3 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

We often hear the phrase “If you build it, they will come” and while it has become a mantra of sorts for entrepreneurs everywhere, this message doesn’t always hold true.

Strong planning, attention to detail, and quality are essential to long-term success. When we take the time to create something with these elements in mind, we can accurately predict that potential customers will be drawn to our work and have a greater likelihood at success.

Building Right Takes Patience and Focus

YCombinator’s mantra

No matter what kind of product you are building or service you are offering, taking the time to plan and think things through is essential. It’s better to get one thing right than two things wrong. Taking the time to get things right means having patience and focus while creating your product or service:

  • Have a vision in mind of what success looks like and how you’ll achieve it.
  • Spend time researching the target audience — Who are they? What do they respond best to?
  • Create goals that can be measured and set deadlines for their completion.
  • Be sure to test each element of your product or service for accuracy.
  • Finally, consider how you can add value or benefit that your competition may not have thought of.

Quality is Essential for Success

Photo by Daniel Chekalov on Unsplash

Once we have taken the time to create a well-researched and well-thought-out product or service, it’s essential that we make sure the final version is of high quality before releasing it out into the world. Quality matters because customers want something that they can trust and count on:

  • Pay close attention when designing each element of your product or service — ensure accuracy, consistency, and readability throughout.
  • Focus on creating a user experience that will leave customers feeling pleased with their purchase.
  • Make sure all customer data is secure and protected while being used by your business.
  • Address customer feedback quickly and efficiently without fail in order to ensure loyalty over time.
  • Always strive for improvement — staying up on trends in your industry allows customers to trust you as an expert in your field.

The Rewards of Building Right

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

When we take the time to build something right from the start, it pays off in the end. We don’t need luck when we have put in the effort to create something people will come back for again and again because they trust us. Quality brings reward:

  • Customers feel confident when trusting our product or service — allowing us to acquire more business from referrals over time.
  • Increased customer loyalty as a result of understanding their needs & providing them with exemplary products or services quickly builds trust between business & customer.
  • Quality also leads to higher revenue streams — when people find satisfaction with our product or services they keep coming back for more!

The Takeaway: Building Right Matters!

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Quality is key when creating something that you want people to be interested in — whether it’s a product or a service.

Taking the time to think through every detail, design elements specifically with your target audience in mind, secure data properly & provide great customer service are just some of the ways that quality can be achieved before releasing anything out into the public sphere. By following these steps, you can ensure that customers will come!

Thanks for reading!

