3 Essential Skill Sets To Create And Sustain Wealth

Brian Rey
4 min readDec 27, 2022

Do you want to create and sustain wealth?

Photo by Travis Essinger on Unsplash

Creating wealth is often seen as something very confusing and difficult, however in reality it’s not as complicated as you might think. Let’s look at each skill set in greater detail and learn how you can implement them into your life today.

Learn How To Generate Money

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

The first of the three essential steps to creating and sustaining wealth is to learn how to generate money. Let’s break this down into some actionable steps that you can take:

  • Start a side hustle: You don’t have to wait to find a full-time job or stick to traditional methods of making money; starting an online side hustle could be a great way for you to boost your income and start generating more money.
  • Negotiate your salary: If you’re already employed, why not try negotiating your salary? Make sure you’ve done the research on what people in similar roles are earning, and make sure you are standing up for yourself and gaining what you deserve.
  • Invest in yourself: Investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make. Whether it’s learning something new or improving your work skills, investing time and energy into yourself will pay off eventually.
  • Start a business: If you have a good business idea, don’t be afraid to pursue it! Starting an online business can be relatively easy if done right, so take the risk and make it happen!

Learn How To Keep Money

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

The second essential step when it comes to creating and sustaining wealth is learning how to keep money. Here are some tips on how you can do so effectively:

  • Have multiple sources of income: The more sources of income that you have, the more likely you are to keep hold of your money. Consider having multiple streams of income — from freelancing online or investments — which will help maintain a steady flow of cash throughout different economic situations.
  • Make sure that your finances are in order: Being organised with your finances is key if you’re looking for ways to keep hold of your money. Create a budget for yourself and make sure that you’re sticking with it every month for added stability.
  • Increase savings: Increasing savings is also an important step in keeping hold of your money. Make sure that something is always being put away into savings each month, so that there is always an emergency fund available if needed.
  • Track where your finances are going: It’s important to know exactly where your money is going each month so that you can focus on making better financial decisions. Use budgeting tools or apps so that you can see what areas need improvement and where adjustments need to be made.

Learn How To Multiply Money

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The third essential step is learning how to multiply money — this requires taking calculated risks as well as having financial knowledge about investing funds or products such as stocks and bonds. Here are some tips on how you can do it well:

  • Have knowledge on investing products & funds: Having knowledge around different investing products such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds etc is key when looking at multiplying your finances successfully. Research these products thoroughly — understand the risks and rewards associated with each one — before deciding which ones would be most suitable for your goals.
  • Understand general market conditions and trends: As an investor it’s important that you understand general market conditions & trends before investing any funds into certain product or activities (whether this be stocks or real estate). Pay attention not only to current events but also inspect historic trends so that better decisions can be made about investment plans.
  • Diversify investments across different asset classes & sectors: Diversification plays an important role when looking at multiplying funds successfully; spread investments across different asset classes & sectors so that returns don’t suffer greatly during negative market periods.
  • Monitor investments regularly andstay disciplined: When investing funds into any asset class or sector it’s important that they are monitored regularly so they remain in line with expectations and goals set out at the beginning; staying disciplined with all investment related activities will also help ensure successful results over time too!

Wrapping up

It goes without saying that creating wealth requires effort; however with these three essential steps outlined above — learning how to generate money, keep money, and multiply money then there’s no reason why success shouldn’t follow sooner rather than later!

Photo by Angie J on Unsplash

Don’t put off creating wealth any longer; take action today by implementing these steps into your everyday life and start experiencing the financial freedom you dream of!

Thanks for reading!

